Submissions > Dates and guidelines


Proposal submission dates: January 15 to March 27, 2023

Notification to authors: First week of May, 2023



Papers will be presented in oral or poster form. Authors will submit, in the "Submit to the conference" section, a proposal for a paper (oral or poster, to be specified) in French or in English. This proposal will include (1) a title, (2) the name and institution of all authors, (3) the email address of the first author, (4) an abstract of 250 words maximum and (5) four keywords.

Both posters and presentations (slide shows) must be written in English. The speech may, however, be given in French.


Oral communications

Each speaker will have 15 minutes to present, followed by an exchange with the participants (5 minutes).

Poster presentations

Posters should follow the A0 portrait format (84.1 cm x 118.9 cm) and include the following parts: theoretical background; problem; hypothesis(es); method; results; discussion/conclusion.


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